It is a new month💃.

Periods serve as stop-points to help us check our progress from time to time.

So, here’s a quick one. How well did you handle your finances last month?

Your finance is a personal journey. It doesn’t matter who else is succeeding more than you in finances. Just focus on becoming better in your personal finances.

Celebrate your small wins! The fact that you are interested in taking a leap in your finances is an applaudable win, so, celebrate it 😁.

In an earlier article, I talked about understanding your money strengths and weaknesses. If you are yet to do this, do not hesitate any further. This is a good starting point for you.

Okay, let’s get to the next stage- Reconciling your accounts. You control the direction your finances go and one way of doing this is by doing the following:

• Create a budget

• Apportion an amount to investment and yes, make that investment

• Track your previous investments to know those that are maturing soon and save the dates on your calendar

• Make a list of all your creditors and debtors

• Follow up on your debtors- those who owe you money

• Map out a plan to pay those you owe money and get in contact with them

• Check up your savings goals for different purposes and confirm you are still on track

• Ensure your emergency fund is still within your stipulated limits, else, you may need to allocate a part of your current income to top it up.

These are some of the good steps you can take to start a new month on the right foot in your finances.

To your financial independence and freedom!

Cheers to My Account!

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