Happy International Women’s Day!

I celebrate my gender, today, with the rest of the world.

Women, over the world, are known and to be beings of poise, courage, resilience, creativity, and trailblazers amongst others. It is indeed worth celebrating us!

Considering this year’s theme, #ChooseToChallenge, I will be sharing two amazing tips that will help us challenge our current financial states to better ones.

One, challenge yourself to be more responsible with your finances, in line with your dreams and goals. For some women, they await their Knight in Shining Armour to come salvage their financial lives. In other words, they wait on spouses/parents/relatives to give them a life of wealth, fulfill their goals and give them the fantasy lives they dream about. While these parties might be of help, you have the responsibility of putting your finance into order, to save and invest for your future, to growth wealth for yourself, to pamper yourself and be blessings to people around you. Wondering how you can do this, a budget will help you allocate your income to your different goals; however, start with taking up this responsibility.

Two, challenge yourself to explore your winning power. We, irrespective of our genders, all have winning powers (I learnt that in church yesterday😁). Our winning power is our unique story/unique skills set/unique purpose.

This uniqueness in us will help us win in our own ways because no one has that kind of uniqueness. Therefore, you should find your uniqueness and explore it to grow wealth for yourself. Your uniqueness can be your marketing style, creativity mind, ease of imparting knowledge, burning passion for a cause, etc; whatever it is, challenge yourself to explore this winning power to grow wealth for yourself.

To your financial independence and freedom!

Choose to Challenge!

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