I’m a lover of shoes and I love to have them in their gorgeous types (and definitely they come in their prices). Recently, I looked at my stack of shoes and did a rough calculation of how much I’ve spent
Spending Without Regrets

I’m a lover of shoes and I love to have them in their gorgeous types (and definitely they come in their prices). Recently, I looked at my stack of shoes and did a rough calculation of how much I’ve spent
For a while here, we have been discussing investments. While investments are good, savings are also important. It is not wise to invest long term while you are cash strapped short-term. Savings refers to money set aside for future use
For some, investment is perceived as a risky activity which requires a lot of expertise and it is only for the rich. While good financial advisory is very important in investment, investment is still very much simpler than most people
In the last two episodes of this series, I’ve discussed different investment options in Nigeria, ranging from treasury bills to fixed deposits to mutual funds to investment deposits etc., most of which are short term. Today, I’ll be sharing other