I really want you to excel in your finances and I understand if you try to take the entire shift at once, it may be overwhelming, so, I have decided to break it down into a four-week challenge that should run for the four weeks of Spetember 2020. With one task for a week, you can definitely establish your journey to financial independence, freedom and abundance.

To aid you in sticking to the challenges for these four week, you can select a day in the week when you can focus on your finances and accomplish the task for each week.

So, let’s get started!

Week 1- Create a Budget

You know we can’t take out a budget when it comes to excelling in your finances (lol). It is a must-do.
Whether you have started spending your income for this month or not, take what’s left and make a budget with it. Whatever the type of income you earn, the tips below will guide you.

•You cannot create a budget in your head(It cannot work😄), you need to document it.
•On your worksheet, list out all your incomes on one side and all your expenses on the other side (in their order of priority);
•Ensure you are realistic with your budget for expenses. Don’t budget with lower than what you need to scale through a month;
•Make an allocation for miscellaneous. This should cover unplanned expenses.

This is not hard right?
Let’s just take it one step after the other😊

Week 2- Cut down on money drains

How you spend your money is 80% resultant of your mindset/habits. Your habits determine how you spend your money, so, this week we will focus on our habits. We do need to address our habits to achieve financial success. I will address two habits here- a negative one and a positive one.

We all may have one money-draining habit- that habit that we spend so much money on but does not really provide a tangible return. It may be excessive eating out, excessive mobile data consumption, etc.
Let’s start with cutting down on how much we spend on this habit. You can start with spending half or quarter of what you spend on it for the remaining days of the week.

It is not just enough to take out the negative habits, we should also grow positive habits. Let’s start with positive money confessions. They do have a role they play in our financial success. Speak out positive money confessions today!

On to the next task!

Week 3- Write out your goals.

Your goals are results you intend to achieve with your finances and the rule is they should be smart, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. The first step to achieve your goals is to write them out (not store them in your head😁)
List them out, measured in a currency, with a time target and a plan to achieve them. That’s the task for this week (quite simple right 😊)

Week 4- Start your journey to fulfilling your goals (make investment a priority)

So, hopefully, from week three’s task, you should have listed out your goals. I’m sure to build wealth should be one of your goals. We don’t just wish for these goals to happen and they happen; we plan for them to happen. Making monetary allocations to your goals is necessary. Likewise, investment is necessary to build wealth. You can start with the what you have and you do not need to wait any longer. Do you have more questions on investment? This blogpost of mine will be of great help! Click here to view it.

I advice that you keep this post handy so you can refer to it each week.

P.S.- Though these challenges are for a month, it’s best you keep applying them to your finances to get amazing results.

We believe in you!

To your financial independence and freedom.

#September Money Challenge

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