Your investment line should not just be restricted to your academic background. I’ve heard of Accountants venturing into Farming, Doctors venturing into Fashion Designing and the likes.
Your academic background should not just be the determining factor of your investment choice. You can diversify into something else beyond your field. Don’t be rigid. Open up to other areas of interest beyond your academic background. Be involved in something new. See the world from another perspective. Be informed of other industries other than the one you’re into.

However, it is paramount to know that when diversifying into a different field as a business owner, get a consultant. Be well-informed. Don’t just pick up an area of interest and invest in it immediately. Do your feasibility study. Know more about the industry and the trends so you don’t lose your treasures.
Finally note this, “Availability of capital is not enough for a business to thrive, education and mental preparation is also needed.”
We believe in you!
To your financial independence and freedom!
Originally posted on November 5th 2018 on www.thefinancialliterate.wordpress.com (A previous version of The Financial Literate)