Gradually, we are coming closer to the end of the year. It is imperative that we evaluate ourselves on our performance over the year. We need to know how much we have achieved in the year to ably work towards a better performance in subsequent years.
Quickly, we can run an assessment on our yearly performance so far by grading ourselves with these statements on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest.
- My inclination towards being financially independent increased over the year.
- I have been able to cultivate a healthy spending habit, doing away with exorbitant spendings.
- I have been able to increase my assets over the year.
- My net worth now is positively higher than what it was at the beginning of the year.
- I have been able to achieve my financial goals set at the beginning of the year.
- In the coming year, I want to improve my financial position than what it is now.
After sincerely answering these questions, add all the points you have on each question and calculate your total points, next aseess yourself as follows
25-30 Excellent
20-24 Good
15-19 Fair
0-14 Poor
However, bear in mind that whatever grade you fall in, strive to have a better financial position in the coming year.
We believe in you!
To your financial independence and freedom
Originally posted on November 19th 2018 on www.thefinancialliterate.wordpress.com (A previous version of The Financial Literate)
How Far Have I Come?